Royston ED 24, folios 3-12,
Therfield (Enumerator - Thos. Dodd)
All that part of the Parish of Therfield lying South of the Road
leading from the London Road to Bird's Beer Shop inclusive. |
Royston ED 25, folios 18-25,
Therfield (Enumerator - Sam White)
All that part of the Parish of Therfield on the North side of the Road
leading from the London High Road to Carters Barn and including all the
houses in the Field and near the Town of Royston. |
Royston ED 26, folios 31-38,
Therfield (Enumerator - Edward R Bird)
All that part of the Parish of Therfield lying South & South West
of the Road leading from the London High Road to Carters Barn beginning
at Bird's Beer Shop (but not including it) and all those houses on the
South side of the Road leading from Carters to Kelshall & including
Ducks Green. |
Royston ED 2a, folios 245-268,
Therfield (Enumerator - George Wilkerson)
All that part of the Parish of Therfield lying South of the Road
leading from the London High Road thro' Therfield to Kelshall. |
Royston ED 2b, folios 272-284,
Therfield (Enumerator - Edward Rant Bird)
All that part of the Parish of Therfield lying North of the Road
leading from the London High Road thro' Therfield to Kelshall. |
Royston ED 21, folios 121-132, Therfield (Enumerator - George
All the Houses and Cottages on the South side of the Road from the Lane
leading out of the London High Road to the Church, including the
Rectory, Mannings, the Curates, Giffins, and Cottages near the
Policemans, Ashmans, Duck Green, Dane End, Rooks Nest, Brandish wood, 5
Houses, Hodenhoe, Buckland, and Reed End South side, with Copin Hill. |
Royston ED 22, folios 136-147,
Therfield (Enumerator - Barnard Preston)
All the Houses and Cottages on the North side of the Road leading out
of the London High Road by a Lane to the Church, including the Red
Lion, north side of Reed End with Mr Forster, three Cottages & Mr
Turners, White Horse and Cottages, Hay Green Cottages opposite Mr
Ashmans, Mr Wilkersons - Bury-hall - Grooms Cottages Paddlers Lane - Mr
Reynolds & Tut-hill Cottages - Carters Cottages - Mrs Bird, and all
Houses & Cottages near the Meeting - and all Cottages in the Field,
including the jock-house - Therfield Heath near Royston the Friendly
Cottages - Putty Hall - The Horse shoes Royston & Cottages near
& Flint Cottages Fleet End Royston newly built - Mr Reynolds Field
Cottages - Mrs Bird & Mr Philips at the Bush with his Farm -
Turners Cottages in Reed End Field. |
Royston ED 21, folios 110-121, Therfield (Enumerator - George
Part of the Parish of Therfield, comprising all the Houses and Cottages
in Reed End, the Red Lion, and all those South and South West of the
Road leading from Reed End to Therfield Church, including the Rectory,
Ducks Green, Dane End, and that part of Buckland West of the London
Road, Five Houses, and Hoddenhoe. |
Royston ED 22, folios 125-139,
Therfield (Enumerator - Barnard Preston)
Part of the Parish of Therfield, comprising all the Houses and Cottages
north, and north East of the Road leading from Hay Green to the Church,
and continuing on to Kelshall, including the Field Houses and Cottages
of Mr Philip's, Mr Reynold's, Mrs Bird's, and the Jockey Houses, Wicker
Hall and Cottages adjacient, Mrs Butlers House, The Mount, The Horse
shoes, and Cottages, Provident Cottages, also two Cottages in Baldock
St. Royston. |
Royston ED 20, folios 109-120, Therfield (Enumerator - Joseph
Part of the Civil Parish of Therfield, comprising all the Houses and
Cottages in Reed End, the Red Lion, and all those South and south west
of the road leading from Reed End to Therfield Church, including the
Rectory, Ducks Green and Dane End, And also comprising that part of the
Civil Parish of Therfield situate in the Ecclesiastical Parish of
Buckland, being that part of Buckland High Street west of the London
Road, Hoddenhoe and Five Houses, and cottages adjacent thereto and
Slate Hall. |
Royston ED 21, folios 124-138,
Therfield (Enumerator - Barnard Preston)
Part of the Civil Parish of Therfield, comprising all the Houses and
Cottages North and North East of the Road leading from Hay Green to the
Church and also all those North of the Church, including all the Houses
and Cottages on both sides of the Kelshall Road, Bury Hall, Bell Lane,
Bell Terrace & Tuthill, Carters Hill & Carters Terrace, The
Field Houses & Cottages of Mr Philips Mr Bullens Mrs Birds &
the Thrift & Jockey Houses, And also that part of the Civil Parish
of Therfield situate in the Ecclesiastical Parish of Royston,
comprising Wicker Hall and Houses adjacent Provident Buildings Mr D
Nashes House, the Mount and the Horse Shoes & Cottages, and also
two cottages on the south side of Baldock Street Royston. |
Royston ED 18, folios 99-106,
Therfield (Enumerator - Joseph Stratton)
Boundary - Being that part
bounded on the East by the High Road leading from Royston to
Buntingford on the South & South West by the Parishes of Buckland
& Sandon on the West by the Parish of Kelshall & on the North
by the Road leading from Therfield Church to Washing ditch Green then
by a line drawn from There to Red Lion Cottage at the back or Northern
side of Mardley bury & Reed End Farms. Contents. Comprising the Red Lion Inn &
Cottage Reed End Farm all the Cottages in Reed End Mardley bury The
Brook the Greyhound beerhouse the Hoops Inn & all that part of the
village of Therfield lying South or South West of the Road leading from
Hay Green to the Church & including The Rectory the Cottages in
Hoops Lane & Ducks Green Shirlocks Farm Rooksnest Farm Holborn Farm
all the Cottages in Dane End Dane End Farm Chappel Green &
including Slate Hall & also that Part of the Civil Parish of
Therfield situate in the Ecclesiastical Parish of Buckland being that
Part of Buckland High Street West of the London Road Hodinghoo &
Five House Farm. |
Royston ED 19, folios 110-120,
Therfield (Enumerator - Edward Robinson)
Boundary - Being that part
bounded on the West by the Parish of Kelshall, on the North by the High
Road leading from Baldock to Royston on the East by the London Road to
the Red Lion Cottage (excluding it) and on the South by a line drawn
from Red Lion Cottage to Washing ditch Green, and the Road leading from
the Brook to Therfield Church. Contents.
Comprising all the Houses & Cottages on the North & North East
of the Road leading from Hay Green to the Church, including Hay Farm,
Judges Yard, the Stores, Fox Lane, Fox & Duck Inn, Grooms Cottages,
Church Lane, Bury Hall, The Elms, Bell Lane, the Bell Inn, Bell
Terrace, Tuthill Farm & Cottages, Carters Terrace, Carters Hill,
Park Farm Ocp. S. P. Bullen, Boatman Cottages, Duck puddle Bush,
Therfield Farm Mr. Phillips, the Slopes, The Thrift Farm and the Jockey
Houses, And also that part of the Civil Parish of Therfield situate in
the Ecclesiastical Parish of Royston comprising Wicker Hall and Houses
adjacent Provident Buildings Mount Lodge Mr. H. D. Nashes House and the
Mount, the Three Horse Shoes & Cottages and also two Cottages on
the South side of Baldock Street Royston. |
Royston ED 18, folios 66-72, Therfield (Enumerator - Martin
Oliver Harper)
Boundary - Being that part
bounded on the east by the High Road leading from Royston to
Buntingford on the south & south west by the Parish of Buckland and
Sandon on the west by the Parish of Kelshall and on the North by the
road leading from Therfield Church to Washingditch Green, Then by a
line drawn from there to Red Lion Cottage (at the back or Northern side
of Mardley-bury & Reed End Farm. Description - Comprising the Red Lion Inn and Cottage,
Reed End Farm all the cottages in Reed End Mardley-bury the Brook the
Greyhound Beerhouse the Hoops Inn and all that part of the village of
Therfield lying south or south-west of the Road leading from Hay Green
to the church including the Rectory, the cottages in Hoops Lane
Sherlock's Farm Rooksnests Farm Hoborn Farm all the Cottages in Dane
End Dane End Farm Chapel Green & including Slate Hall. And
also that part of the Civil Parish of Therfield in the Ecclesiastical
Parish of Buckland being that Part of Buckland High Street west of the
London Road, Hodenhoe, and Five House Farm & Cottages. |
Royston ED 19, folios 77-83,
Therfield (Enumerator - Miss Clara Robinson)
Boundary - Being that part
bounded on the West by the Parish of Kelshall, on the North by the High
Road from Royston to Baldock, on the East by the Parish of Royston and
the London Road to the Red Lion Cottage (excluding it) and on the south
by a line drawn from the Red Lion Cottage to Washingditch Green and the
Road leading from the Brook to Therfield Church. Description - Comprising all the
houses and Cottages on the North & North East of the Road leading
from Hay Green Judges Court The Stores Fox Lane Fox & Duck Inn
Groom's Cottages Church Lane Bury Hall The Elms Bell Lane The Bell Inn
Bell Terrace, Tuthill Farm & Cottages Carters Terrace Carters Hill,
Park Farm (Mr S P Bullen's) Boatman Cottages Duckpuddle Bush Heath Farm
(Mr Phillip's) The Slopes, The Thrift Farm, and The Jockey Houses. |
Royston EDs 17 & 18, Therfield
At present, no Descriptions of Enumeration Districts have been located
for 1911 Therfield. In their absence, it seems likely that they were
substantially the same as 1901.