An Account of His Life by William Witt, 1814-1902 |
Last entry 1867. Includes a journal (pages 8-11) of his family's voyage to a new life in Van Diemen's Land |
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I have for some time past, had it in my mind |
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William Witt, born in the year 1814 January 31st, in the Parish of St Botolph, Bishopgate Street, London, the Son of William Witt, Wine Merchant, in the same City, he was the eldest son, but had four Sisters older than himself, two sisters and four brothers younger, making in all, eleven children of the same family, eight of which are at present living, the two last brothers, dying when young. The first seven or eight years of his life he was under the direct care of a tender and good Mother; (who is now in a better world,) and up to this time was of a lively disposition, but about this period, he was playing with other children near Spitalfields Church, and in looking down, into the vaults, beneath the Church, they thought they saw a Ghost, (which was indeed, only the whited wall,) which gave them a great fright, some of them went into fits, WWitt, was also so alarmed, that he could not sleep that night, but his kind and loving Father, sat by his bedside, endeavouring to calm and sooth his affrighted son. From this time he became very nervous and fearful; and for a long time after, could not bear to pass a Church yard, and the thoughts of Death was painful to him. After this he went to Boarding school, Mr Low’s, at Barkway, in Hertfordshire; Mr Low was a Dissenting Minister; very kind, and looked well to the |
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morals of his pupils; here, a few happy years past away for Mrs and Miss Low, made it their study, to make us comfort- able and happy, but still, those serious thoughts and impressions continued to follow him, tho he did all he could to shake them off. (was not this the Spirit of God, striving with him? I believe it was.) He was, after this, removed to a Boarding school, nearer home, to Mr Crabbs, Belmont House, Turnham Green, near Hammersmith; but not being very apt at learning, and his Master being so severe with him, which treatment did not suit his temper, he became hardened by repeated correction, and every bad passion of the human mind was aroused in him and brought into action, and he, losing sight of the future, made up his mind not to pay any attention to his studies, his schemes were often laid to make his escape from such a place of torment, but as often detected; in the holidays, he made his statement to his beloved Mother, to intercede for his removal but his Father thinking it was only an excuse to get away from school; took no further notice of it. The time came for him to go back; and back he went with a heavey heart. Other means were now resorted to by him, to get away; a Letter was ready to send home, but this also was discovered, and he punished; the next, and most wicked plan, was to make himself ill, which plan succeeded; paper and cork were eaten by him, and other things equally as injurious to the health & constitution, he was, afterwards taken very unwell, evidently ripening for some disease, which turned out the small pox; he went home, was blind with the disease for some days, and a long time recovering from such a loathsome sickness; and through the long suffering mercy and goodness of God, his life was spared, and I trust to show forth His praise. He has since, often mourned over his youthful sins and folley, and can hardly forgive himself, tho he feels they |
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are all forgiven through faith in his Saviour, Jesus Christ. He was now sent to a Day school at Winchmore Hill, near to his Father’s Cottage, his eldest sister having the charge of it at that time, and who was truly devoted to God; she continued to watch over him with tender solicitude, for his spiritual good; he being at this time under deep conviction of sin, but like many other young persons; endeavoured to persuade himself, that, there was, time enough, yet, to think about religion, but the good hand of his God was upon him, and through the instrumentality of this beloved sister; serious impressions were deepened. He continued to go with her, to most of the means of Grace, both public and private; in returning home one evening, from the means, they were in deep con- versation upon spiritual things, he remembers, saying to his sister; “O sister, it is a hard thing, to be a Christian”. (since that time, he has proved that it is a life of continual warfare, but, that grace, is alsufficient.) Mr Pawling his school Master, who was also a Minister; was exceedingly kind to him, and upon inquirey, found he had been wrongley treated at his last school; he now felt it keenly himself, knowing his time for improvement was short, he having soon to enter upon his Apprenticeship; but what time he had left, he made the best use of it. (This beloved Sister, is now the Wife of one of our most zealous and devoted Missionaries, Revd John Smithies, at this present at Swan River, 1844.) He was bound an, Apprentice in the fourteen year of his age, to Mr Elisha Wilson, Hatter, Citizen and Haberdasher of London, March 2nd 1828, but was turned over to his Father, to follow the Wine Trade; only being bound to Mr. E. Wilson, to become a member of the Haberdashers Company; and at the end of the Seven years, he had the |
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happiness of receiving from the hands of the Wardens of the Company, the right and title, to all the privileges of a Freeman and Liveryman, of the City of London, and this Company, in the presence of Mr Elisha Wilson and his Father, the seventh day of July 1835. |
( Copy of Receipt ) Received the seventh of July 1835, of Mr William Witt the sum of Twenty-seven Pounds, Eight Shillings, and is in full for his Livery Fine and Fees on coming on the Cloathing of the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers, London. Signed, Hambly Knapp, Livery Fine 25 " – " – Clerk. Fees ----- 2 " 8 " – --------------------- £27 " 8 " – ---------------------- The Motto, on the “Coat of Arms,” of the above Company, is, “Serve, and, Obey” It was in this year, 1828, that he was brought to a saving knowledge of the Truth, at a prayer meeting held in the vestry of Spitalfields Chapel, conducted by Revd John Smithies, it was a time of great spiritual searching of heart before the Lord; the large table in that room, was surrounded by Penitents, calling upon God, to have mercy upon them, through Christ; and it was upon this sacred spot he, with many others, were enabled to cast their souls, by Faith on the “Atoning Lamb”, and arose from their knees rejoicing and praising the God, of, their salvation. He might well adopt the following language, and say, O happy day that fix’d my choice On thee, my Saviour and my God! Well may this glowing heart rejoice And tell its raptures all abroad. |
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He was now introduced by his Sister Hannah, to Mr Wm Merry, to take charge of him as a member of his Class, and many have been the precious seasons enjoyed by him, at these means of Grace. For a length of time he went on his way rejoicing, and engaged in some departments of the work of God, such as, a Tract distributor, and prayer Leader, and truly his heart was in the work. some time after this his Mother principally resided at the Cottage, Winchmore Hill, on account of her health, his Father going down in the evening, and returning in the morning to business; so that the duties of the family devolved upon him, and, he took up the cross in the strength of Divine Grace, altho with fear and trembling; knowing that the path of duty, is the path of safety; thus, family worship was kept up, and the blessing of God, rested upon them. some time after this he was called upon, to part with his beloved Sister Hannah; she was sent out by the Missionary Committee, to Newfoundland; and there united in Marriage to Revd Jno Smithies, were [sic] they laboured for some years, with great success. He was now, as it were, left alone, and being but young both in years, and spiritual life, many were the temptations and allurements with sin; for a season he continued steadfast in the Faith, and as long, as, he kept looking to Jesus, he was safe. – O, that he had continued to look; he would have saved himself much grief and pain, which he afterwards suffered through, yealding to temptation. – His cousin, who, was his fellow apprentice, was a very dissipated, wicked young man, and succeeded, by carnal reasoning, and fair speeches, to draw him in also, into the snare of the Devil; (but the Triumph, of the wicked, is short.) It is impossible for words to discribe the feelings of his heart at this time; shorne of his strength, and seeking happiness were it was not to be found. The Theatre, and other places |
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of amusements were resorted to by him, but without success; every pleasure, (so called) had its sting. he had nearly fallen, also, into the deadly sin of intemperance, but the kind hand of his God, was sill [sic] upon him, his convictions for sin, were keen and sharp, and he indeed, felt, that there is no happiness out of Christ. (O, what a mercy it is; the Lord is so forebearing with His creations, especially, when they sin against light and truth.) He now through, Grace, gave his heart afresh to God, and was determined “let others do as they will, as for him, he would serve the Lord,” “choosing rather, to suffer affliction, with the people of God, than enjoy the pleasures of sin, for a season.” Family worship was again restored, and with it domestic happiness; also, peace and joy, through believing in Jesus. His Cousin Wm D - - - - - - - - , who had led him into so much sin and misery, now became an object of his solicitude, and prayers, endeavouring to set before him a good example, proving to him, that Religious ways, are ways of pleasantness and peace. when he was out of his apprenticeship, he did not stay long with my Father, and shortly after married a Widow, and was not long married, when a violent Fever seased [sic] him and was hurried into an aweful Eternity, without leaving any, Testimony behind him. – This is another proof of the uncertainty of human life; and the necessity there is, of a continual life of Faith on the Son of God. In the beginning of the year 1832 He was in the habit of visting [sic] a very respectable Family Mr H - - -g’s near St Georges in the east; some of them were members of the Wesleyan Society, but the young Lady upon whom he had fixed his choice, was not a decided person in the ways of religion; here conscience spoke out again, he had not sufficiently thought upon, or prayed about such an important subject, but now through mercy, seeing his error, he began to pray for Divine protection and guidance, in this, and every future time of need, and the Lord soon made a way for his escape, so that nothing but pure friendship |
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existed between the two families; and time has proved that she was not the one, to be his partner in life; but the Lord in great mercy, chose out one of His own family, who has been in every respect suited for him, sharing with him, all the troubles of life, as well as all domestic happiness which increases with time; God blessing them with a happy rising family; and now, after the experience of elven [sic] years in the marriage state, he only has to bless and praise his Heavenly Father, for such a union of kindred spirits. It was 4th July 1832, that he was first introduced to Miss Harriet Hannah Merry, (the sister of his Class Leader, Mr Wm Merry;) going to the Anniversary of Chingford Chapel, and this acquaintance soon ripened into love and affection for each other, their courtship, was a season of great spiritual good, and Christian communion, and they knew what it was, to love each other in the Lord, and were determined, by Grace assisting them, that no outward circumstances, should interfere with their personal happiness. thus time passed quickly away; and on the seventh day of October 1833, their Marriage was solemnized in the Parish Church of St Botolph, Bishopgate, in the City of London, by Revd Knox Child. The remainder of the day was spent at the Cottage, Winchmore Hill, with the united families, and a happy day it was. The next morning they set off for a week’s Tour, to Hearn Bay, Ramsgate, Margate &c; and then returned home, took charge of the family and business, in Skinner St., London. Some time after this, his Father, took a Licensed house a few doors from their present dwelling and which had been a great nuisance for many years; the house was very large and commodious, and it was thought it might be turned to good account; he wished his son William, to manage it according to his own will; the attempt was made by him, circulars sent round the neighbourhood to inform them of the fact, also to state that the “Skinners Arms,” would not be opened on the Sabbath; this was indeed a great reformation, turning a house, from a Den of Thieves, to a respectable Inn; the Neighbours greatly rejoiced at the change, and endeavoured |
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to encourage him in so laudable an undertaking; but after a trial of twelve months, he found it too much for his health and spirits; the continual scene of Dram drinking, (though in such an orderly house,) affected his heart keenly, especially when he thought upon the future destiny of his fellow creatures he now resolved to get out of it as soon as possible, but every way, for a season, appeared to be blocked up; about this time his Sister Smithies returned from Newfoundland on a visit, and was surprised to find her brother thus engaged, the reasons were explained, and his views for the future. he had some thoughts of trying after a Temperance Hotel, but it was ultimately settled to go to Hobart Town Van Diemen’s Land. --- The parting with families and friends was a severe stroke, but they left their native Land, with the united prayers of the Church, and Friends; having them -selves a firm trust and confidence in an all wise and gracious Providence; knowing that, “the promises are yea & amen, to them that believe,”. |
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--- Extracts from his journal, commencing
from the time he left England for Hobart Town, V.D.L. ----- Friday, Octr 7th, 1836. Left home, took boat for Gravesend, reached there in the evening; came on board the “Royal George”. Sunday 9th. Set sail from Gravesend, came as far as the lower hope, five miles from Gravesend, here we anchored, again it has been a day of great confusion, some of the passengers playing, others singing songs: we had a good prayer meeting this evening, with our two Missionaries, Revd Jno Weatherstone, and Revd W. Blyth, and their wives; were a little disturbed by some on board. Tuesday 11th. Captn Richards came on board this morning, weighed anchor, came as far as Whitstable Bay, cast anchor for the night, our little Alice had a fit, but soon got better. Wednesday 12th. Set sail from Whitstable, came off Margate, cast anchor, wind against us, this day we had the unexpect |
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-ed pleasure of seeing our friend, Mr C Gloyen, who, came on board, and staied with us a short time. Octr 13th and 14th. Still off Margate, wind strong & boisterouse, the baby and Harriet very unwell; Captn Howell, came on board to see us, prayed, and left a short text with us, - “Look to Jesus.” Octr 16th. Sunday, had service on board; a most lovely morning, but a fog came in, which hid our Native land from our view; and perhaps for ever, the will of the Lord, be done. Octr 22nd. Our dear babe still very unwell, had two fits to day. Octr 23rd. It has been a day of trouble, little Alice very bad has had more fits, put her into a warm sea water bath, and a blister put upon the back of her neck. Revd Jno Weatherstone preached to day, it was a good time to our souls. Octr 24th. Had a good time at Class, today, we meet in the Missionaries Cabin, as often as possible for prayer &c; feel we stand in need of Divine support on board Ship, surrounded by ungodly men. Octr 27th. Fresh troubles to day; my dear Harriet miscarried at 8 Oclock, but through mercy I hope she will do well, our little Alice, much better. Octr 29th. In sight of Madeira, passed it in the evening, a little sport among the passengers, shooting at Birds &c. my dear Wife a little better. Novr 1st. Our dear babe has had six strong fits to day, many of our fellow passengers are very kind, by their attentions to us in our afflictions. Novr 2. The babe a little better, had one fit to day, and another blister on the back of her neck, and the Mother still very unwell. Novr 5. My mind has been deeply afflicted to day, our child not expected to live, but the Lord, is our support under all troubles. Novr 10th. This morning at 4 Oclock, the dear babe had another severe fit, which lasted till 9 Oclock, put her into a warm sea water bath, to all appearance she cannot last out much longer; may the Lord prepare our minds for all the dispensations of His Providence. |
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Novr 12. This morning our dear little sufferer
has had four more fits, very strong. Novr 13. Our dear babe much worse to day, was in a fit from half past 10 Oclock to two in the afternoon, expected every moment to be her last; it has been a day of great trial, but the Lord is good, who will not put more upon us, than we are able to bear. Novr 16th. This morning at halfpast twelve Oclock, our Sister Sarah Blanch, was confined with a fine Boy; Neptune came on board to day which caused a little fun on Deck, water flying about in all directions, but we kept below; this evening we had a blessed season, whilst, commemorating the dying love of our Saviour, in the Missionaries Cabin. Novr 20th. Sunday. This has been a good day to my soul, had service on the Quarter Deck, the Bell tolling, to call the sailors together; Mr Lyth, preached. Decr 3rd. To day my dear Harriet, proposed, that we should set apart, a few moments every day, to pray together in secret, especially for our babe, for its restoration to health, or, for resignation to the Divine will. Decr 14th. This day the Lord has given me strength, to take up my cross, in leading our Class for the first time in my life, it was a refreshing season; O for more faith, that we may live, His name to glorify. Decr 20th. In sight of the Cape of good Hope, anchored in Table Bay about seven Oclock in the evening. Decr 21st. Went on shore this morning, felt truly greatful for another opportunity of setting our feet on land, again; we visited the three Vineyards, at Constantia, the Settlers showed us great kindness. Decr 23rd. Set sail from the Cape, this day, to proceed on our voyage to Hobart Town, V.D.L. . Decr 31st. Becalmed, part of the day, but in the evening worse than a Storm; it being the last day of the year some had assembled themselves together, below, to drink and sing; the Captain speaking about the noise, put Mr Hector in a passion, who came up and struck the Captain, all was now confusion, the watch was called and ordered to put Mr H. in his own cabin; the |
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cause of this sad disturbance, was, strong
drink; a very sad way this, in closing the year, when will men be wise, to think of their latter end? . Jany 1st. 1837. Sunday, We have been permitted to see the commencement of a new year, may our future lives show forth His praise. Jany 4th. A strong gale all day, the sea running mountains high; but through mercy, the Ship is keep -ing her right course. Jany 5th. Praise God, who, hath brought us through the Storm, in fafety, with a very little damage to the Ship; had a good time at Class to day; and our dear little Alice, getting on nicely. Feby 1st. Fine weather, good sailing, the last Class meeting we expect to have on board, it was a good time to all of us. Feby 3rd. Much rain, wind moderate, shortened sail at night, being not far from land. Feby 4th. Praise God; this day brought us in sight of land, all in high spirits. Feby 5th. Sunday, the Pilot came on board this morning about seven Oclock, the scenery coming up the river Derwent was most beautiful, and to hear the Anchor let go, to pronounce the voyage ended, we did well to thank God, and take courage, trusting in Him who has brought us so far on our journey through life. – The Revd Wm Butters came on board, to take Messrs Weatherstone and Lyth, with their Wives, to the Mission House, when I was introduced to him by them, and he kindly offered to find a bed for us among the friends, after taking tea at the Mission House; we went into the Chapel, we all felt it good to be there, especially at the Holy sacrament, among a united people, and my prayer is, that their God should be my God. ------ Voyage ended. 122 days. |
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Feby 8th. 1837 Mr Mortimer has kindly let us have
a little Cottage, near his house, to put our goods in, until we get settled in Hobart Town. Feby 10th. This day by the blessing of God we begin the world afresh, with £10. – in a Foreign land, six -teen Thousands miles from our native land, and beloved friends; the Lord bless our little, [sic] and increase our faith. March 6th. My brother in law, John Blanch, opened his shop to day, and by me putting in the Goods I brought out, I am to receive a small share of the profits. Sunday, July 9th. At the Love feast this evening, in the strength of Divine grace, I declared before my brethren what God, had done for my soul, and how, in mercy He had brought me to this part of His vineyard, it was a refreshing season. July 14th. Went this evening to hear a Lecture on Tem -perance; in the Court house, by the Revd H. Dowling, (of Launceston) I went in the strength of Grace, to subscribe my name to the Pledge, to help forward the good cause, both by example and precept. Pledge, We agree to abstain from distilled spirits except for medicinal purposes, and to discountenance the causes, and practices of intemperance. Decr 26th. The corner stone of our new Chapel, was laid, by Sir John Frankling, (Governor) and our Sunday school children met to day, for their annual feast, Gracious God, grant us more wisdom, to train them up for Glory. Janry 2nd. 1838 This day our second child was born much cause for gratitude to our Heavenly Father, for His great mercies towards us, on Feby 4th he was baptised (William) by the Revd J. Orton, O may he be dedicated to the Lord, from his youth, up. Febry 10th. For some time past, business has been very bad with us, the last week, most trying, but in our extremity, the Lord raised up friends, to help us out of |
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our present dificualties; [sic] O Lord still
continue to help, and comfort us, be thou the Guide of our youth, and to Thy great name will we give all the glory. Febry 12th. Another change in my life; this day I have entered upon my new occupation, at Mr Murdock’s Store. O Lord keep me in all my future steps, for Thou only knowest, what is best for me. April 21st. This week we have closed all our accounts in connection with our late business, and in the short space of a few months, we have lost our all, as regards this world, but the Lord be praised, His grace has been sufficient for us. May 4th. This morning I and brother Blanch, went on board the Isabella, and to our very great pleasure, found our Brother and Sister Martin, with their four little ones all in good health, and thankful to Him, who has brought them to these shores in safety, through dangers seen and unseen. July 11th. Went this morning to the Revd J. Orton, to open my mind freely to him respecting my circumstances and religious scruples about the Spirit Trade; felt my mind greatly relieved by his kind advice. Augt 9th. The Lord has begun to open a way for me, in such a manner as I could not expect, When I think of the dealings of a Divine Providence, with me, I feel humbled and thankful. Augt 18th. This evening I was called upon to lead our Class meeting, in the strength of Grace I did so, feeling indeed my own weakness, but the desire of my soul, is, to use my humble talants [sic] in the cause of God, and if I am called, in the order of Providence, to fill such an important and responsible office, in the Church of Christ, I do, feel confident that He can and will qualify, tho, the most unworthy, for such a charge; O Lord take full possesion of my heart and guide me, by Thy good Spirit, Amen. |
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Sept. 5th. This evening I was examined by the
Revd J Orton, upon points of Doctrin [sic] &c, before my brethren the Class Leaders, and was unanimously received as an Officer in that capacity, into the Church of Christ. It is quite impossible to discribe my feelings, on the occasion, but thanks be to our God who brought me through; and grant that I may be a pillar in His house, to go no more out for ever. Amen. Octr 1st. I have this day commenced my new undertaking at the Stores of Mr John Murdock, Wine Merchant &c. Janry 31st. 1839 The Lord has graciously spared me to see this day, the Five and Twentieth anniversary of my birth day; my soul has been deeply humbled before Him, at the recollection of past mercies; may the residue of my days, be all devoted unto Him. Febry 1st. Arrived this day, Mr & Mrs Waterhouse and family also, other Missionaries with him. (? James) [This could be “Ps James” or “for James” difficult to read]. Febry 5th. Circumstances of a trying nature; have transpired within the last few days, with my employer, I know not at present, how things may turn out; but my trust is in God, if one door shuts, another will be opened. April 3rd. Within the last week, I have taken councel [sic] of the Revd J. Waterhouse, and other friends, respecting my circumstances, on account of the faileour [sic] of my present employer, J.M. and it is their unanimouse [sic] opinion, with the blessing of God, that I might do well in the Trade to which I was brought up, (the Wine Trade.) April 5th. This morning at Family prayer, I felt an unusual sensation when reading the Chaptr for the occasion, which was the Twentieth Dutmy, especially those words, “For the Lord thy God is with thee.” I went out in the strength of this, my faith being in lively exercise, and praying I might be kept from doubts & fear. April 18th. Removed from the Stores, of J.W.M — to a house in Murray Street. April 22nd. I have this day, by the blessing of God, made another start in business; (Wine, Ale, |
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& Porter Merchants; Spirits excepted.) had
several orders to begin with; O Lord, give me grace, to withstand every temptation, and go through things temporal, with an eye to those, that, are eternal. many good friends, have been raised up for me, by the kind Providence of my God. June 7th. Through mercy my beloved Harriet, was brought to bed, this night at 11 Oclock, of a lovely Daughter. O Lord our God, may the increase of our family, be attended, with an increase of spiritual life & blessings. June 10th. The Lord has been better unto me, than all my doubts & fears, I have great cause for gratitude, may I continue to acknowledge Him in all my ways, that He may direct my steps. Augt 4th. Our old friend, Revd Jno Waterhouse, baptised our daughter, “Elizabeth,” a very solemn and impressive time, Lord increase our faith & strength, that we may bring up our little ones, to know, love, and serve Thee. Augt 22nd. This day we have paid our last respects, to the mortal remains, of our young friend, Mrs R. Shoobridge, who died last Sunday morning, very suddenly, (aged 19 years) our dear friend Richard, is greatly supported by Divine Grace, under this painful berievement; they have been married only, eighteen months. --- O Lord, our God, our, Heavenly Father may we live more than ever to they glory, that we may be found ready to meet the Bridegroom, at a moments warning. O Jesus, we rejoice to know, we have such a great High Priest and Friend in Heaven, as Thou art; there may we meet our friends, that have gone before; to love and praise Thee, for ever and ever. Amen. Octr 7th. This day is the sixth anniversary of our Wedding, I have felt it a very solemn time, in looking back upon the past, and praying God, for his continual care and blessing upon all our future movements; and that we may continue one, in the Lord for ever. |
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Octr 25th. The celebration of the Centenary of
Wesleyan Methodism, was observed throughout the world, this day, we had a prayer meeting, morning and noon; and a social Tea meeting in the evening, in the new Chapel, after which, Revd Waterhouse, Eggleston, and others, address’d the meeting, which was very interesting; all present, appeared happy. O Lord our God, hear and answer the ten thousands of prayers of thy people, which have come up before Thy Throne, this day, through the Son of Thy love, especially for the outpouring of Thy holy Spirit; that the world may be speedily converted to Thee. Decr 27th. This day has been one of great trouble and affliction, in hearing of the aweful death of our dear Sister Sarah, and of her husband, John Blanch, (Melbourne, P.Philip) their house being blown up by Gunpowder, which accident happened, on the 17th of this month, the three dear children were out at the time, with the nurse. Severe and sudden as this stroke is, the Lord has wonderfully supported me under it; I now feel and prove, that religion, is not a cunningly devised fable; but, that it is my only refuge and consolation, strength and grace, is given me in rich abundance, so that I shall not sink under the accumulated weight of sorrow. O God my heavenly Father, may this aweful visitation of thy Providence, be sanctified to every member of our families, especially to the unconverted; so that we may make sure work for Eternity, through our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. April 27th, 1840. I have this day arrived at home, in peace and safety, from my voyage to Port Philip; being absent five weeks; truly goodness and mercy, hath followed me all the days of my life, but especially so, during my late journey; I have passed through much trouble in connection with my affairs at Melbourne, and my property which was saved from the fire, I could not lay claim to it, as I expected, but to all appearances shall have to suffer further loss. I leave myself, with all my concerns in the hands of my Heavenly Father, believing that, all things shall work together for my good. The Wesleyan friends at Melbourne, were exceedingly kind to me, during my stay there, which was a great relief to my mind, under existing circumstances. |
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A few reasons why I wish to relinquish the Wine
& Spirit Trade. 1st Because, after the lapse of fifteen years, Christian experience; thinking and praying much upon the subject, I still feel I cannot enter into the spirit of my business, it having such an evil tendancy; [sic] the excess of which lowers a man far beneath the brute creation. 2nd Because, man must live for ever, either in a state of happiness or misery; and it is written in God’s holy word, that no drunkard shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven. Therefore I do not wish to excite that passion which leads to so much sin and misery. 3rd Because, I believe them, not to be necessary or essential to the happiness or comfort of any individual; but when the bounds of moderation are passed, they become injurious to the health of the Body, and spiritual Death to the Soul. 4th Because, my children are growing up into life; I pray therefore, I may set before them a good example, my business corresponding with my Christian profession. also by example and precept, to show unto them the beauties of real heartfelt religion, and to keep them out of the way of those temptations which are incident to my present calling. also because I pray and desire, that all may come to the knowledge of the truth, as it is in Jesus, and be saved from all sin, which they cannot do, as long as they continue to indulge in the excess of wine. Decr 31st 1844. My mind now being quite made up, upon this subject, it soon became known, and several parties applied to me for the terms &c; but after letting it to two persons, both of which went from their bargain, it fell to the lot of Wm Elliott Esqr, Merchant, who took possession on 17th day of March 1845. so that from this period I have been free from my late business, and I pray for ever. -- Febry 1845. I took a house a little lower down in Elizabeth Street and opened in the Grocery line, called it, “Providence House,” and in the fear of the Lord, made another start in life, feeling assured “all things work together for good to them that love God”. And for a season all things went on prosperouse [sic], but my faith had yet to be put to the test, which after circumstances will prove, I shall therefore copey [sic] them from the loose papers they are entered upon, as they occurred [sic]. July 1st. Signed the Pledge at Temperance Hall; the Revd H. Dowling, spoke at some length on the real benefits of total abstinence from all intoxicating drinks: but, I had been a total abstainer, not only from my moderate glass, but also, from Tobacco, some time prior to my leaving my late business. Sept 23rd. This evening, for the first time in my life I made an attempt to say a few words before a public assembly, at |
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Temperance Hall, Bathurst Street; briefly
stating my reasons for relinquishing my late business (the Wine Trade) and firm conviction of the goodness of the cause, to endeavour to reclaim poor drunkards, and benefit both soul and body: I felt more liberty than I expected, in bearing my humble testimony. Septr 27th. Had some refreshing and cheering thoughts, about Heaven. Septr 29th. Monday. much tried in business; but in the evening had a good season at the prayer meeting. God is love. Septr 30th. Perplexed, but not in despair; endeavouring to live by faith, having a firm trust in the God of Providence, notwithstanding, things continue to go contrary. Octr 1st. Wednesday. Fightings without and fears within, but a good time at preaching in the evening, every word appeared to be for me. Octr 2nd. Fresh trials; also fresh Grace; a person by the name of “Booth”, left the Colony unawares, in debt, by whom I have lost con- siderably. A very profitable Quarterly meeting of the Leaders and afterward in the evening; all harmony and love. Octr 7th. A solemn fast, to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, upon us, as a people; a searching time at the six Oclock prayer meeting in the morning, and again at seven Oclock in the evening. Octr 20th. Since the last date, many and severe, have been my trials of a worldly nature, but I have endeavoured to look up for Faith, patience, and resignation: and have not been left by my Heavenly Father. Octr 23rd. I have this day closed up my accounts, with Wm Lindsay Esqr , who stood my friend in my late trouble, by advancing the necessary amount; he expressed himself in pleasing terms, as to my conduct, throughout the business; which deeply humbled me in the dust, before my Heavenly Father, that He should have given me such grace, to exemplify the Christian character before the world: O that I may only live to reflect my Makers glory, and then pass into the world of happy spirits; through the merits of my Redeemer. Novr 4th. I feel truly thankful that my mind is kept in peace, in the midst of trouble; my prayers are registered on high and answers of peace will be granted, in the name of Jesus. O for more gratitude, for the rich consolations of His grace. My way appears to be edged up on every side, and nothing seems to prosper with me, and cannot meet my engagements with promptness on account of repeated disappointments; yet I feel assured the prayer of faith will prevail, that I may live to show forth His praise; willing am I, to sink into the dust, and become as poor as “Lazarus” in the Gospel; so that my Saviour’s name is honoured. Hold out Faith, a little longer. |
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Novr 20th. The last few days I have been praying,
that, my Heavenly Father would make known to me the cause of my lengthened trial; (things in business continue to go hard with me,) not that I feel a murmuring spirit, for by grace I am made willing to suffer; but my lang- uage is, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” There must be, on my part, some clinging to selfrighteousness, or spiritual pride, or something else. The Lord in great mercy make it plain to my eyes; that when I see it; I may truly say, “Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” Yet notwithstanding all unworthiness and natural infermities [sic], I can trust in, and rest on Him, who upholds and governs all things. I again pray, Lord increase my faith. Decr 24th. A day of severe trial, met with unexpected reverses; and coming so suddenly upon me, I was for a few moments almost overwhelmed; but as speedily as possible, got me into the strong hold, (the secrececy [sic] of the closet) and there in earnestly fervent, agonising, believing prayer, and pleading the promises, I felt somewhat calmed. I do most earnestly desire to stand still, and see the salvation of God. To hear the still small voice, saying, “This is the way, walk ye in it.” But my weakness and infirmities are so great, that it is indeed, a mighty conflict. Decr 25th. Christmas Day. ---- Spent a very happy and social day, with my family, at our old friends, Mr Richard Shoobridge Providence Valley: went out with my mind rather depressed, by the trials I am labouring under; though supported by Almighty grace; and our mutual conversation upon spiritual things, tended to lighten my mind, and fix my thoughts on eternal realities. Janry 9th 1846. “Many are the afflictions of the Righteous, but the Lord delivereth him, out of them all.” My path for some time past, and still is gloomey; but, so perfectly satisfied am I, that all things will work together for good; I desire therefore, to stand still, and wait the issue: without faith in God, now; I should become an easy prey to the enemy of souls; O the precious prom- ises! All are mine, through Christ. O holy Spirit, proceeding from the Father, and the Son; continue to comfort and support my drooping soul. Afternoon. I little thought when I wrote the above, I should so soon be called to cast myself and family, upon the alone mercy of my God. I went to one of my creditors to arrange a payment, when he put a few questions to me, respecting my presant [sic] |
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*See, Janry 19th below Prayer answered Overlooked this entry * Prayer |
circumstances; I told him in few words, the
treatment of some others, toward me: when he at once wished me to bring my affairs to a close, saying he was perfectly satisfied with my pro- ceedings, but that it was impossible for me to do any good for my- self; or them in such a case; and that he was willing in future to assist me again. I therefore put my affairs in his trusts for the benefit of all concerned. (Faith, tells me all is well.) Janry 14th. Feeling acutely, but sweetly supported by the consolations of the Eternal Spirit; casting all my care upon Him, who careth for me. Have seen more of my Creditors, who expressed their regret at my misfortunes, and willingness to forward my views. God is love! - Janry 23rd. This day my stock in Trade was sold by public auction, a day of severe trial, but firm trust in God for the future; all doubts and fears, being removed far from me. Febry 2nd. Felt great liberty at family worship this morning, specially whilst praying, that, I might find favor in the sight of those, with whom I have to do. I felt a sweet assurance, all was working together for my good: was very much encouraged by an inter- view I had with Mrs Dunn Senr, who told me, that, the Governor Sir Eardly Wilmot, would soon give me a situation; I thanked my heavenly Father, and went on my way rejoicing. In the afternoon of this day, I had scarcely left my closet, where I had been praying in secret; when the Revd I.A.Manton came in, and said, “I have good news for you.” It was an offer of a situation at New Town Farm, Station; I went immediately to the Comptrollers Office, and accepted of it; the appointment to which, I expect in a few days. – Whatever withstood faith in God, yet? My humble prayer, is, that I may be fully qualified for the dis- charge of those duties which may devolve upon me; the Lord grant my request. Janry 19th. Just before going to meet my Creditors. – O most merciful Father, the hearts of all men are in they hands; Thy will be done in me, and by me, may I endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ; Thou knowest the secrets of all hearts, I cast myself, my beloved Wife, and five children, entirely upon thy love and mercy, only give me grace to glorify Thy holy name in the greatest extremity, and naked faith in the precious promises: be Thou my satisfying portion, and then I can give up all besides: O Lord, hear me, O Lord answer me, O Lord, God, pardon and forgive all my sins, through Jesus, my only Saviour. Amen. |
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I then went to meet my Creditors, at the Office
of Messrs Burns & White, the kindly feeling that was evinced toward me, plainly proved to my mind; that, their hearts were affected by an unseen hand. All my Furniture was given me, for the consideration of collecting the debts due to my estate. I returned home to the bosom of my family with a thankful heart, giving all the glory to our Heavenly Father, who never will forsake a helpless worm, that trusts in Him. --- I again pray, The Lord reward, and bless, my every Creditor, for their kindness and liberality, to one of His most unworthy servants; may they never be brought into the same trying circumstances, but ever experience the joy and satisfaction of those, who have given more than a cup of water, to me, who belongs to Christ; and in the world to come, life everlasting. Amen. |
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From February 1846 for two years and a half I
was living at New Town Station, in the capacity of Catechist to the Prisoner boys:- many precious seasons with them, as well as many family trials, and mercies. – One affliction which was nigh unto death, but the Lord in mercy brought me back unto life. At the end of this period, an order came from the Home Government to break up all Convict Establishments, so I with many others were thrown out of employment. We then moved into Hobart Town – and after a short time I accepted of an offer from Mr John Watson, to go to Long Bay, to take care of a store :- I was here for about three years (until the establishment was broken up). This was the happiest period of my life – held religious services in our own house every Sabbath, and during the week – had several persons meeting in Class weekly – And with all humility I can say, the Lord blessed me abundantly, and made me a blessing to those committed to my charge – And our dear family dwelt in peace. After this removed to O’Brien’s Bridge to look after Mr R. Shoobridge’s Farm &c. – this lasted for upwards of three years in great peace. Then I took the Farm belonging to Mr Joseph Berrisford – built a house upon it &c, but owing to continued failure in Crops and other circumstances |
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I was again brought into trying circumstances –
once more had to give all up into the hands of my Creditors – and the Lord again raised up many friends. We then moved into Town, and after some time I accepted of a situation at Westbury at the Stores of Messrs White & Son; leaving my family still in Town, hoping to send for them shortly, this was in the year 1859 – June, but it pleased the All wise disposer of events to bring me down by affliction, to the very gates of death – far away from my beloved family: - but in mercy God raised me up again, was carefully removed to my beloved Sister Smithies at Longford, and after a few weeks of good nursing by them, was enabled to take my journey home, after an absence of three months: - thankful to my Heavenly Father for his many mercies to his unfaithful servant. While at Westbury, altho all the time in ill health, I preached four times, during the six weeks – and I would have record [sic] my thanksgiving for the kindness received from Mrs Boston, with whom I lodged, and her kind Sister Mr Ikin [sic] who attended to all my wants, and nursed me with tender care during my painful affliction; also to Messrs White & Son, Douglas, Hall, and many others who ministered to all my wants and comforts: - especially to Mr Lyall the Innkeeper, who ordered his Carriage & horses to be got ready to convey me to Longford in as easy a manner as possible – for he was so affected with my death like appearance, when my friends were putting me into the Chaise Cart: - this was indeed a special Providence, for we had not started long before it began to rain, and continued most of the journey, and had I been in the open Cart, most likely it would have proved fatal to me.! – and this is the man I had so greatly offended by preaching against Balls &c (for he kept a room for such purposes.) The Lord softened his heart towards his servant; may he receive a reward, is my earnest prayer. Arrived at home in safety the beginning of September, |
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and was received with great joy, by my beloved
wife, and loving children; and by the blessing of God, and their kind attention, I soon recovered my strength. ------------------------------------ |
On the 17th December 1859. I wrote the following
Letter. Sir, In answer to the advertisement of this morning, I beg to offer myself as a Candidate for the office of Registrar & Storekeeper of the “Benevolent Society.” Also to forward the annexed testimonials. To I. R. Bateman Esqr Signed Wm. Witt. Provisional Secretary We the undersigned beg in the strongest manner to recommend Mr. Wm Witt for the Office of Registrar and Storekeeper to the Benevolent Society, having known him for a great number of years, we can with confidence recom- mend him for his honesty, integrity, and business qualifications as a most suitable and efficient man for the office. T. D.Chapman Hon. F.M. Innis, Col:Treasurer, &c Rev John Cope, Wesleyan Minister Rev W.D. Lelean, Do Do Rev. F Miller, Indept Do Henry Hopkins, Mess Burgess & Barrett; and many others. At their next meeting, I was unanimously chosen for the office, out of the Fifty two Applicants. – To take place from the 1st January 1860, at a Salary of £150 per annum. 1864 April, 25th. During the four years I have now held the situation, I have been enabled, by strict economy, to pay off several of my old debts:- And up to within the last fortnight I have not been laid by through illness, although suffering much at times from my old complaint; but for the last four days I have been almost laid aside from duties, by a most severe attack of the Disease of the Heart, the most acute pain I have suffered; but in the midst of all, felt great peace and joy through believing, and was |
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enabled by faith, to, “Behold the Lamb of God.”
– This was my text on the Sabbath before I was taken ill; at the “Old Beach”. O how gracious is the Lord to his servants who put their trust in him, and love and serve him; and when called to suffer affliction they feel, “He doeth all things well”. “The Lord is a strong Tower, The righteous runneth into it, and are safe:” – blessed experience! Not the least of this trial, is, I am ordered by my Medical Adviser, to desist from preaching:- but, why should I speak thus; such an unprofitable servant as I have been; yet I have always felt it to be a blessed work to be engaged in; and trust I have not altogether labored in vain, for I have endeavoured at all times to work in faith, with a single eye to the glory of God, and the good of souls: - the fruit will appear, if not in Time, in Eternity. Therefore to be laid aside by Him, I feel it my happiness to say, “Thy will be done.” Amen. 1867. July 20. Since the last entry, The merciful Lord has rased [sic] me up to a good degree of health and strength, and for the last three years have resumed my labours in preaching &c. – For which I feel truly greatful [sic]: - God has blessed me in the good work, and in due season I hope to reap, according to his own promise, which never fails! Of late many of our old friends have passed away into eternity, and a new generation is springing up around us: - For it is now Thirty years since we landed on these shores; and notwithstanding the many, and great trials, during that period, We can look back, and say, goodness and mercy hath followed us – “He hath led us by the right way, that we may go to the city of habitation – Heaven - ! “This God is our God, for ever and ever”. Amen. |
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Page last updated: 29th November 2005, e-mail: martin@hagger.org